Sweet Home California
Politics • Preparedness
As a conservative, Christian wife, mom, veteran, and entrepreneur, I want to add value to this channel by encouraging others to work for election integrity and help get more true conservative voices into office.
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Already running out of quota before running out of month...

It's only September 1 and I'm already 10% through this month's upload limit. Ugh! If you'd like to see all my content here on Locals, I'll need your help to get to the next tier. Looks like it's a combination of needing more members (I'm currently at 310), but also some active supporters. Thus far, I have zero.

I can't fault Locals. They are running this on a shoe string without the deep pockets of Google and they don't charge creators to have a platform here, so someone has to help them pay the internet rent and pay for their development. If you think Locals is worth your time, please show your support with a monthly membership.

Thank you for your consideration. For now, I've got to pace myself, but be sure to check out my Rumble and Youtube accounts.



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Support USA made hand-crafted businesses!

See part of the process that goes into making a black walnut custom sign:

A1000Cuts.Org Video of Arizona Volunteers Sharing what they saw

A1000Cuts.org gave permission on their website to upload this video to help disseminate the information. Please go there to download and then share to your social media as well!

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